当然可以,而且留学申请中,本科学历的背景要求是相对比较宽松和灵活的。 首先在学历层次上,申请者一般需要具备以下其中的一个:
1、 Four-year bachelor's degree or equivalent from an accredited institution. Bachelor’s degree in any discipline is acceptable;
2、 Three-year associate (or equivalent) degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0 on last two years of previous study and/or six additional relevant credits will be considered(美本)
3、 Second Bachelors Degree in the same subject area as first bachelors degree; Or a second bachelors degree in any field of study(英澳加)
4、 Master's qualification,with a good graduate record of not less than 70% (澳洲) Or MA by Research,with appropriate research experience(英国)
5、 PHD qualification(美国,英国,澳大利亚除外) 如果申请人拥有以上其中一种学历,并且满足各院校及项目不同要求的毕业成绩,就可以顺利申请到海外硕士的名额。