其实,签证官会问你什么并不是很重要!重要的是你如何来回答这些问题(是否流利、是否自信)以及是否有移民倾向。 下面是我整理的面试常见问题,仅供参考哦~
1. What is your name? 你的名字是什么? (一般不会有问题的) 你怎么拼写你自己的名字呢?(如果问这个问题的话,证明签证官怀疑你有假名了) 请再说一遍您的名字好吗?(如果有听错的情况下) You may use our word list for repeating your name back to us: A, B, C... 你可以使用我们的单词列表来重复您的姓名给我们:A,B,C…… Your surname and given names are written in the passport how? 全名写在护照首页的哪里啊? Please look at the photo ID card, where it says “full / complete name”? 请您看下照片上的ID卡,上面写的“全名/完整名字“在哪里? The full name should be shown on all official documents used by you, please write down both of them below. It’s important since we will check with embassy or consulate that issued your passport. 您所有的官方文件都需要有您的全名显示在上面喔,请在下方写下您的中英文全名和拼音。因为我们需要向领事馆验证信息的正确性。 Do you have other name? Are there any other names which appear on a document issued either by yourself, your parents or your guardian? Would you like to repeat this name now? Have I understood correctly? 有其他别名吗?有其他任何其他人的名字出现在自己、父母或监护人的文件中?请重复一下这个别称好吗?我理解的对吗?
2. When did you arrive in Holland? How long would you stay here? (询问出入境时间,判断行程是否合理;同时可能还会问你来干嘛,去哪个城市等等)
3. Why do you want to visit dutch? 为什么想去荷兰玩呢? Can u tell me about what u gonna do when visiting? 可否告知一下来访目的和行程安排? Is it for tourism? Business visit? Study? Medical treatment? 旅游?商务访问?学习?看病? Which one? Which city? 在哪座城市?
4. Where are you going? And who are you going to see during your vacation? Who will pay for your trip? 去哪里?在荷兰的什么地方?在荷兰见的人是谁?谁支付的费用?
5. How much money does he plan to spend for his holiday? 他打算花多少钱度假? Does he have enough money to support himself while staying in Netherlands? 当他在荷兰时,他有多少钱支持他自己? Has he made an advance reservation for hotel, train ticket etc before coming to holland? 如果他去酒店、订火车票等有没有提前预订过? If not, why not?如果没有那为什么没有呢? Will he work in Netherlands after travelling?
6. He applied for tourist visa but he talked so much about business. Does business fall into tourist category?
7. What’s relationship between him and applicants? How many times they meet?
8. How can she confirm that her son knows his address, phone number and email well even if he doesn't