

理发店的人应该不会说英语的(除了会说一些简单的单词比如:洗头、理发、吹发等等) 然后,他们也不会知道你是外国人,更不知道你会说英语。 所以,你用什么语言和他们交流都没有问题!!! 用中文还是用英语还是用粤语都没事!!!!!! 你想用什么就用什么~~~

但是!!!! 重点来了!!!! 如果你不想说汉语或粤语,而想用英语跟理发师沟通的话。那么,请参考: “I want to have my hair cut.” 我想理发了。 “Could you please show me a hairstyle book?” 能给我看看发型手册吗? “Is this style suitable for short haircut?” 这个发型适合短发吗? “What colour should I dye it?” 我应该染什么颜色呢? “Will the new hair do well with perming?” 新头发会烫卷吗? “How long will the process take?” 要多久呢? “Can you make me look like Tom Cruise in Top Gun?” 能不能让我看起来像《壮志凌云》里的汤姆·克鲁斯? “It is so frustrating that you don't understand English while we are speaking. Why not speak Chinese then?”
