

Oxford has a number of colleges, each with its own buildings and facilities. The colleges are home to undergraduates, postgraduates, and staff (member)so it depends on what you’re looking for as an answer, but typically: 你可能想了解的: (我是从官网直接复制过来的,所以可能有格式不够规范的地方。)

1.All Colleges have classrooms where lectures can be held, along with common rooms where students can study or socialize.

2.Several Colleges provide accommodation specifically for international students – these are called foreign students' halls (FSH). In most cases FSH are situated in the middle of college complexes so that those seeking quiet, secluded accommodation will not find them. Many Colleges have their own bars and restaurants which offer meal plans at reasonable prices;we recommend talking to your tutor about any special dietary requirements you might have. One thing to note is that while there is a broad range of nationalities represented within Oxford colleges, all are united by one common bond——they possess extremely high academic standards! We would advise against applying directly to individual colleges, instead you should apply to the University as a whole and then go through the choice process after you have been accepted. This means you will receive our standardised offer, rather than something more tailored to fit the needs of an individual. You can see a list of every possible course we offer here 你可以在这里看到我们所有课程清单 。

3.The University offers accommodation at several sites around Oxford, usually near train stations and other public transport links. There are two types of university-run accommodation——at-risk housing and continuous assessment (CA) housing. At-risk houses are located close to the centre of town and cost slightly less than CA housing because they do not come with the same level of service. With at-risk housing you will share a room with another student;with CA housing you will have your own room. Prices for both types of housing can be found on the University's Accommodation website.
