

我读PhD的MFE专业,我们这个项目4年一共录了60个人左右,分4个班(每个班15人左右)。 这里要介绍一下我们的program:我们这个PHD项目是以就业为目的,也就是说我们3年的课程和实习结束后是要直接找工作的(不能继续深造成为professor)。所以比起纯学术的PhD而言,我们这边的人都是抱着“学以致用”的想法来学习的。因此老师教授的很多理论性内容就比较简单。然而这样的好处就是我们在学习中不会受太多学术研究套路的影响,能够比较灵活的运用学到的知识来解决现实问题。

缺点就是因为不强调学术研究,所以很多同学会以为我们学的简单,学的快,实际上对于知识的吸收和理解需要花更多的功夫。另外我们因为是master of science的学位,所以在申请签证和工作的时候会有一定的劣势。 最后说到人数的问题。以我自己的class为例,一个班大概15人左右,4个班一共60人。其中中国人大概5-6个,韩国人2-3个,日本人一个,其他国家的人都有。

至于您所问到的人数嘛.....因为我是2017年开始读书,所以之前几年这个专业的招生人数不是很清楚。据我所知应该是比2017年招的人数要多一些。 补充:有小伙伴问关于这个专业的情况,我就再说说吧! 这个专业全称是financial economics,属于金工(mfe)的一个分支。学习内容上主要偏数理,也会学习部分计量和编程的内容。 录取的学生中有一部分是本硕都是学数学,统计,计算机的,这些同学一般来说编程和计量能力很强,在学业上会比一般的同学要轻松一些。



PhD in U.S. has become a very lucrative degree to pursue, but it is still not as glamorous or cool as the bachelor's and master’s degrees out there. A lot of people think PhD are like "bachelors" (BBA) with less work - this could be because they don't know what exactly Phd entails...

The majority of Phds are research scientists who will spend four/six years doing experiments and other activities that lead them towards their PHD thesis. You may have heard from news articles about some new drug being discovered by an American scientist at Harvard University working on his own time for $20 million dollars per dollar, etc… They usually do this work unpaid if you were thinking paid jobs would pay off financially so well too! The main income comes from teaching assistantships where students get course credits to teach undergrad classes while paying tuition costs back to college, which can also include health insurance benefits too. Other ways to fund your studies are grants, fellowships or scholarships awarded by specific companies / foundations such as Google, Oracle Corporation等. In addition to all these methods available, you can even earn money directly through sponsored programs like Amazon's Mechanical Turk等等哦~ 有兴趣了解有关这些赚钱方法的更多信息吗?您可以通过以下链接阅读相关文章了解更多详细信息 ->
