H-1B visa是美国长期劳工签证,每年有65000个名额。 H1B的抽签结果一般会在4月1号前后出来,但是今年由于疫情原因,有可能推迟到5月份才能知道结果(以I-907表格寄出的时间为准)。 I-907是申请H1B的担保金,需要申请者自己支付850美元用于H1B抽签,如果抽中则用来作为以后H1B续签的费用,如果没有中签,则会全额退还给申请人。
1.专门知识(Specialty Occupation) 2.从事专业或相似职业的人(Professionals and Others with Similar Skills and Abilities);
3.基于经验的职业(Skilled Workers in an Areas of Need)。
1, Applicant must have a bachelor's degree or higher from an accredited college or university, OR be working at the same level as a baccalaureate degree (special case for some occupations listed below); AND hold a job that requires specialized knowledge; * For applicants who are not U.S. citizens: The job you are nominated to fill should pay more than the prevailing wage rate for your occupation, based on the employment areas where you will work.The employer filing your petition has to show this by filling out Form ETA 9089a. It is possible to file only Form 9089A without filing any additional documents if all employees’ wages are documented using Forms w-2. You can find more details about these requirements here: URL If you need help finding similar jobs or getting recommendations, contact the Employment Resource Network (ERN) which is part of CBP. ERN helps employers comply with immigration laws and provides free legal advice. Contact them through their website: https://www.ern.cbp.dhs.gov/ ,or call URL , option 1. Please note: Some State licensing board may require further education after high school before applying for certain occupational licenses.
2, Employer must meet Labor Condition Requirements first: •Employer must attest to paying the required wages and providing other benefits, such as health insurance coverage, to workers covered by the labor condition application filed with USCIS ; This must happen before the petition is sent off to DOL for certification. In order to do so accurately, it is necessary for employers to know what specific position they intend to hire someone for. Employers should ensure this information matches the job description included in the petition itself. Also important is whether there will be any changes made to the job duties or title between