

英国大学开设的Pharmacy(药学科)可分为3大类,分别是: 这类课程主要培养在医药领域从事研究、开发、管理的学生。学习内容涉及人体生理学、细胞生物学、药物合成、药品管理法规等知识。 授课型的研究生,一年制,授予学位为master of science in pharmaceutical science. 入学要求是拥有化学、生物相关专业背景,GPA85+,雅思7+; 在上述基础之上,还有一些学校的pharmacy department会设置额外的入学考试或面试,例如KCL, UCL等等,具体根据你申请的专业方向来定。

这类课程主要培养在医疗行业从事药剂师工作的学生。学习内容涉及人体生理学、病理学和药物化学等相关知识。 授课型的研究生,一年制或者两年制,授予学位为Master of Pharmacy 或者Master of Pharmacy Science (MPharm). 有一定数量的学校设置这个硕士学位,但是每个学校要求不同,需要详细查询。 这个项目的入学要求相对会比较宽松,同样要求拥有化学、生物相关专业背景,GPA60-70+,雅思6+;同样会有一些学校会设置额外的入学考试或面试。

1、UCL – 伦敦大学学院(世界排名12) MPharm programme is a two-year full-time course with an intensive block release schedule to accommodate the working lives of students. It prepares you for the practice of pharmacy and gives you a strong grounding in pharmacology, pharmacy practices and related subjects such as business management and research methods. The programme includes clinical placements that allow you to put into practice the knowledge and skills gained throughout yourstudies. These placements take place at hospitals, community pharmacies and in mental health facilities.

2、Manchester Metropolitan University——曼彻斯特都市大学(世界排名160) Your Master’s can be taken full time over one year or part-time over two years, and it will prepare you for professional registration. You will gain a thorough understanding of pharmacology and how drugs are developed and tested for safety and effectiveness. You also have the opportunity to study European and US regulatory frameworks, laws and policies affecting healthcare and drug development, as well as ethics in relation to the use of human and animal specimens in the pursuit of scientific discovery. Throughout the course you will acquire a range of transferable skills that will enable you to undertake independent critical analysis, solve problems, work in small groups and communicate clearly in both written and verbal form。
