

在21世纪,随着全球化进程的加快和互联网时代的到来,各国之间的交流和联系更加紧密,英语作为重要的国际通用语言地位更加凸显出来。而雅思作为一种国际认可的英语水平测试,也正是在这样的背景下应运而生并迅速发展起来的。 早在2007年,雅思就与托福一样成为了国家教育考试项目,其权威性和规范性得到了充分的保证。如今,雅思已经被全球140多个国家和地区认可,是全球最具权威性的国际英文测评标准之一。


我们先看看外媒的报道:The International English Language Testing System(IELTS)will be discontinued in January 2023 as part of an overhaul to the British Council's global testing network. The test was first developed by Cambridge Assessment English and the University of Edinburgh 50 years ago, with the aim of measuring the communication skills of non-native English speakers seeking enrollment at UK universities. It has since grown into a globally recognized standard for English proficiency.It is offered in two formats-paper-based or online——with more than 5 million tests taken last year. However,in recent years,it has been criticized by some countries' education authorities because it does not reflect their native speaking populations' pronunciation and grammar. In response,the test has been modified over recent decades to become more reflective of local accents,dialects and usage.

可以看出,这次改革是英国政府对英国领事馆旗下机构——英国海外学校(British Council)的一次重大调整。根据规划,从2023年起,雅思将从目前的A、G类考试形式改为6大类,分别测试不同人群的语言能力: Academic(学术类) General Training(普通培训类) Vocational(职业技能类) Student(学生类) Immigration(移民类) Proficiency(流利程度类) 这6大考试的划分依据是什么?为什么要进行这样的分类?大家现在参加的考试属于哪一类?未来的变化又会带来哪些影响?我们现在可以拭目以待。
