1.香港大学 - 建筑学院 (全球排名第7,亚洲第3) The Department of Architecture 是港大最大和最古老的学院之一,提供建筑学、城市设计、景观建筑学三个专业的本科及研究生课程。除了授课式硕士(Taught Master's)之外, 学院还设有研究型硕士(Research Master's)和专业证书课程(Professional Development Courses)供学生选择。所有学生最后将通过同样的评估程序获得学位或结业证明。
2.香港理工大学-设计与管理学院 (全球排名第15,亚洲第4) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design and Environment 共有五处校区,主校区位于九龙红磡湾,占地8000平方米,其他校区分别坐落于港岛、屯门及沙田等地区。理大三所分校互相配合,为学生提供更全面的教育。 除授全日制课程外,理大一向以开放的精神和态度欢迎来自世界各地的学生报读我们的短期课程;并致力于为在职专业人士开办提升课程,提供深造机会。
3.香港科技大学 - 人文社会科学学部 (全球排名29,亚洲第6) The Division of Humanities and Social Sciences is comprised of the College of Arts, the College of Business, and the Interdisciplinary Programmes Office, offering a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in five colleges/schools as well as interdisciplinary programmes. In addition to providing thorough grounding in their subjects, our programmes emphasize the importance of developing transferable skills that are highly valued by employers. We take pride in preparing students not only for career success but also for life after graduation.