

PhD applications are very competitive, and the number of applicants greatly exceeds the number of spots available. In some cases, I have seen postdocs compete directly with students for slot - that should tell you how much competition there is. In most cases, a candidate will need to score above 70 on their GRE Subject Test in order to be considered for the PhD program (this requirement is especially stringent if one is from an outside country). The general GRE scores needed for admission are about 140 Verbal Reasoning/Analytical Writing and 135 Quantitative. A 4+1 undergraduate/graduate degree is also preferred, though not always required by all departments.

I would advise anyone who wants to go into a US PhD program to start working on any prerequisite coursework while still in undergrad, so that they can maximize their chances once it's time to apply. There needs to be a good balance between what you want to study(the research area)and where your strengths lie(which may mean taking additional classes)so that you don’t end up in a program that isn't the best fit professionally or personally. Your GPA will never look better than on your transcript, so take care in choosing your courses!

I wish everyone luck as they navigate this process! It certainly was a life changing experience for me.


作为16年入学的PHD candidate (2019-2020), 可以分享一下我的申请经历和体会:)

因为本人在申请PhD的时候没有选择去美国而是去了德国的原因是想留在欧洲工作而不是回国就业(虽然我现在的专业在德国也很难找到工作。。。),所以在这里我就分享一下我在申phd时候的经历吧~ 对于申请美国的学校呢个人感觉还是比较容易的吧~(毕竟我是从大二就开始计划要出国读研了啦). 因为不知道题主是想去哪个地区,所以这里以我在美帝申请的几个学校的录取为例吧^^

1.宾州州立大学(PSU) (18 Fall) 这个学校是17年年中才刚刚从PSUC移到PSU名的。虽然这个学校是公立大校但是给国际生提供的宿舍条件真的超级好!而且有游泳池健身房等等(๑乛◡乛๑)。而且学校旁边不远就是大型超市商场什么的。交通也挺方便。不过缺点就是大U的感觉会比较好一点。

2.佐治亚理工学院(GT) (19 Spring) 这所学校是11月份申请的,然后3月底拿到offer的。这所学校是在亚特兰大的市中心。对于想要留下来工作的同学来说真的是个不错的选择。

