1. 使馆没有规定必须提前一个月预约,但是为了避免排队,还是建议尽量预约早点的好。 北京使馆的名额还是挺充足的。
2. 使馆的预约时间可以更改两次,所以如果你之前预约了某个时间段去面试,又因为种种原因不能去了的话,是可以改到其他时间的。但是如果超过两次,就要被使馆拉入黑名单半年了哦~ 所以一定要考虑清楚!!
3. 在北京申请的是反签签证(学生类),因此面签时最好准备以下材料:
①护照原件及复印件 ②户口簿及复印件或常住地公安机关颁发的暂住证及复印件(注意:如果申请人是未成年人需要提供家长户口本和身份证复印件;如果家长不在同一户口本上还需要提供结婚证、孩子出生证明等辅助材料) ③照片4张 白底彩色近照 45×35mm 背面用圆珠笔写上名字 ④签证申请表 ⑤机票预订单和酒店预定单
⑥学校录取通知书原件+英文翻译件(学校可以提供英文通知书和翻译件,自己不需要准备) ⑦毕业证/学位证(高中以上学历)原件和英文翻译件 ⑧身份证正反面复印件 ⑨存款证明
⑩银行对账单(最近三个月的流水记录或者信用卡的对账单,需要显示您的姓名、卡号以及交易金额等信息) 以上材料的复印件都只需要复印件即可,不要准备什么复印件的正反面、全部都要复印之类的。另外要注意,所有的英文资料都需要有英文版本并且签字确认。
4. 关于面试的问题基本上就是围绕上面那些材料进行询问。面试官主要会问以下几个问题:
A. Why do you choose to study in Holland?
B. How much will it cost me for one year of studying there (包括学费和生活费吗?)
C. Where and which University are you going to? Do they have the special course on flower breeding that you want?
D. Which language can I learn in school? Dutch or English? What level of English is required?
E. Why should they give visa to someone like me who has no relationship with their country and has not been studied abroad before?
F. Who finances your trip? And how much does he pay each month for my living expenses including tuition?
G. Please show us some documents about this money? For students, we usually ask them to send us bank statement and passport photo page with seal of bank, also we would like to know what kind of job did their parents get since last few years? If they work as managers, we need to see if those companies were famous in China.For example: General Motors, IBM etc. Or maybe they invested a company when they work as engineer so please provide us the certificate from local government showing that their family had a great contribution to economic development.If these questions make you feel nervous, just say "I don't really understand." Then try to answer whatever the interviewer asks you. It might be easy then :) You may even find out why certain things are asked, sometimes the answers can help you explain away other unclear issues during questioning.