

先贴出美签DS160填写的表格,有问题的童鞋可以看一下 DS-160是电子签证申请表格(Electronic Visa Application Form) 美国签证申请人必须通过在线形式填写DS-160表,并打印出带有条形码的160确认页。 所有赴美签证的申请者都要在申请过程中提供其当前以及过去2个永久居留国的全部信息(比如中国);未满14岁的申请人无需提供此信息。 请记住,DS-160表是申请签证的过程的一部分,而并不是签证流程的一部分! 只有当DS-160表被成功递交、并且申请人收到了条形码后的才算是完成了第一步,接下来才是去使馆面签。 所以,你问的美国签证的类型就是非移民签证的一种——B1/B2商务旅行及旅游类签证! 在美签面试的时候,会问到你几个问题,包括工作,家庭等问题还有你为什么来美国,你想呆多久等等的问题,这时候要淡定不要紧张,尽量表现的自然一点,不要撒谎,不然一旦被面官发现的话就会很麻烦。 如果通过了大使馆的面谈就基本没有问题了,之后就是准备入境材料就可以了。

那么对于美签面试中可能会问到什么问题呢?一般有以下这些 1、请简单介绍你的工作,最好用一些专业词汇或表达。 答:Hello sir, my name is XXX. I work as a programmer in (公司名称) since April this year, and the position is related to mobile application development. Before that, I did some research in this area at Nanjing University for three years. So basically, what I do now is based on what I learned from university courses or even some online tutorials like Udemy etc. The current project which we are working on currently is an app about travel. We have already done almost all of the programming, except few graphical design which needs cooperation with designer. Actually, it will be ready soon because our deadline was next week! That’s pretty much about how I work. Do you have any questions? 2、为什么想去美国? 你可以说说看原因就可以啦~ 答:I really want to see something different and interesting over there, also try my best to improve myself during these time by learning new things when i can't find job here after graduation so maybe one day could return home better than before! 3、为什么选择我们公司? 为什么选择这个专业?

答: Because they need someone who has some experience in Android development, especially about how does app store review their apps, while most companies only care more about front end design but not backend engineering which might cause some problems later in production. Also, if my friend told me he had worked there last year, then I would definitely choose them! And as far as major goes, well... I just got interested in software technology recently after reading many articles posted on Stack Overflow everyday ,and I think computer science is such powerful tool, once you understand its basic principles, everything else comes easier! 4、关于赴美目的的追问 What exactly why you went there? Didnt say where you go first, What's your plan after


美国分移民申请签证和非移民类别的旅游,商务,留学等签证 1. 非移民类的签包括访问者,学生(F) 工作(H) 交流访问学者(J)亲属团聚 (K)

